Скачать кириллический шрифт News Gothic BT Extra Cond без регистрации, прамая ссылка на шрифт NewsGothicBTExtraCond-Regular.otf, версия 001.001, размер файла 149.59 Кбайт, это шрифт News Gothic BT Extra Cond Normal A Bitstream version of News Gothic that was created by Morris Fuller Benton for American Typefounders and first appeared in 1908. I's the standard American sanserif of the first two thirds of the twentieth century with narrow proportions and a large x-height. Despite, or perhaps because of, the font's unconventional relationships in proportion and form, News Gothic has long been a popular typeface for almost any use. Cyrillic version developed for ParaType in 2005 by Dmitry Kirsanov. Greek extention designed by Dmitry Kirsanov in 2009.