Скачать шрифт PT Sans Pro Extra Condensed Bold без регистрации, прамая ссылка на шрифт PT Sans Pro Extra Condensed Bold.otf, версия The fonts have got extended Latin and Cyrillic character sets serving alphabets of all title languages of the national republics of Russian Federation and supporting the most of the languages of neighboring countries. Each font contains about 1400 charact, размер файла 213.02 Кбайт
PT Sans Pro is a comprehensive type family intended for a wide range of applications. It consists of 32 styles: 6 weights (from light to black) with corresponding italics of normal proportions; 6 narrow styles; 6 condensed styles; 6 extra condensed styles and 2 caption styles (regular and bold). The design combines traditional conservative appearance with modern trends of humanistic sans serif and possess enhanced legibility especially in caption styles. These features beside conventional use in business applications and printed stuff made the fonts quite useable for direction and guide signs, schemes, screens of information kiosks and other objects of urban visual communications.
PT Sans Pro Extra Cond Bold
Шрифт: PTSansPro-ExtraCondBold
Файл: PT Sans Pro Extra Condensed Bold.otf
Версия: The fonts have got extended Latin and Cyrillic character sets serving alphabets of all title languages of the national republics of Russian Federation and supporting the most of the languages of neighboring countries. Each font contains about 1400 charact
MD5: 10fedc0ff6e6c01921129bbf75a03514
Размер: 213.02 Кбайт
Кириллический шрифт